Substance Abuse

Psychotherapy is recommended whenever a person is grappling with life, relationship, work issues, or a specific mental health concern, and these issues are causing the individual a great 
deal of mental pain.

What is Substance Abuse?

Psychotherapy is a process focused on helping you heal and learn more constructive ways to deal with the problems or issues within your life. It can also be a supportive process when going through a difficult period or under increased stress, such as starting a new career or going through a divorce. Most psychotherapy tends to focus on problem solving and is goal-oriented. That means at the onset of treatment, you and your therapist decide upon which specific changes you would like to make in your life. These goals will often be broken down into smaller attainable objectives and put into a formal treatment plan. This is done simply through talking and discussing techniques that the therapist can suggest that may help you better navigate those difficult areas within your life.v

Types of Psychotheraphy
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